
Hue Univerisity (HU), formerly known as The University of Hue, was initially established in March 1957. After the reunification of the country in 1975, independent universities were established in Hue on the basis of the existing faculties of The University of Hue. According to the Government Decree No. 30/ND-CP dated 4 April 1994, HU has been re-established by reorganizing all Hue-based universities. HU is responsible for training students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, conducting research and applying science and technology in a multitude of disciplines to serve the construction and development of the country in general and Central Vietnam and Western Highlands in particular.

HU is a two level university. It has 8 member universities (MUs), 2 schools and 1 branch in Quang Tri Province. It has a complex structure due to its historical development. The 8 MUs are: University of Sciences, University of Education, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, University of Law, University of Arts, University of Foreign Languages, University of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Economics. The 2 schools are: School of Hospitality and Tourism, School of Physical Education.

The mission of HU is to promote the development of Vietnam, especially the Central Vietnam by providing qualified labor forces and advanced and efficient technological - scientific solutions.
At HU, our 2030 vision is to be among the top-tier research universities in Southeast Asia, operating under the national and regional quality standards; and a pioneer and key training base in the system of regional universities.
Core value system
HU is committed to: 
- Embracing Creativity, Standards, Responsibility and Friendliness;
- Encouraging and respecting progressive ideas and creativity by HU staff and students; 
- Adhering strictly standards of higher education; establishing, nurturing and developing an exemplary teaching and research environment; 
- Valuing the sense of responsibility of the university towards the target groups in particular and social community in general; 
- Fostering democracy, solidarity, mutual respect, and respecting honesty and compassion in HU.
Strategic goals
The overall development goals of HU to 2020 and orientations to 2030 are: HU to become a research university; a center for high quality training, science and technology; with a focus on HU's spearhead areas in the fields of health sciences, agro-forestry-fisheries, environment, biotechnology, basic sciences, education, arts; HU's graduates to possess strong political and ethical qualities, to obtain adequate knowledge and professional skills, to have the capability to do research and to apply scientific and technological advances and to actively integrate themselves into the dynamic international workplace environment.